A convenient checklist for email marketers

Run through these 15 checks before you hit send!

The success of your email marketing campaign often boils down to minute details that are easily missed. Tick off this checklist the next time you’re doing a mailout, and you’re sure to rest easier.

Test each and every link twice to be sure

1Avoid broken links (404 error) or links to the wrong page

2Check for forgotten links – anchor texts, images, CTAs, social media icons

3Ensure tracking works properly to measure the effectiveness of your campaign

Make sure the email is viewed just as you intended

4Optimize distorted images, add alt text for when it cannot be displayed

5Check margins, text spacing, and whether bullets are shown properly

6Ensure readability – font size and color, contrast with background color

7Include a link to view on the web in case of rendering issues

Confirm the content and messaging are appropriate

8Check if the message is aligned with the audience and phase of customer journey

9Ensure the copy is persuasive, achieves a balance between informing and selling

10Read it aloud once, and run it through a grammar checker tool if required

11Keep the subject line catchy yet representative of the content of the email

Ensure the right names and addresses are used

12Include a person’s name along with company in the ‘sender name’

13Make sure the ‘reply-to’ address accepts emails and is monitored

14Check if dynamic tags like "First Name" are functioning, and define a generic replacement for when information is not available

15Keep your list clean – the average mailing list depreciates by 25% every year

No such thing as being too careful

With marketing emails, it’s easy to get it wrong. Test it out on different mail clients/ platforms/ browsers/ devices. Lastly, it’s always a good idea to be mindful of the local time in your recipients’ location, to improve open rates.

If you need help with conceptualizing, writing, designing, and campaign/ nurture mailout, Click here.


